Thursday, August 25, 2011

30 Years of IBM PC (Some Thoughts about Computer History)

Well, it turned out that I am almost 30 years old. Usually they say that it s a half of a distance. And you feel that you need to look back and try to remember significant things happened in your life and around it. Unless you are Tom Hanks, most noticeable things happen to be in some other people’s life and you watch them through the window of your routine.

Anyway check out interesting coincidence that came across me recently. Anniversary of first IBM PC!! And guess what? 30 years as well! It means that I am first and original PC generation representative. This is my destiny! )

Unikum, Computer History, Nostalgia

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Let's proceed from the assumption that ideal for women is not only rich men, but also clever... I do not claim, just assume. In this case, it is unnecessarily to appear in front of her sitting behind the wheel of the latest model of Mercedes, or to make an appointment at the most expensive restaurant of the city. You simply show your intellectual ability, and your darling is in love, enslaved, etc. The question remains: HOW TO ...? What a way to make her believe that you really got the "brains"?

Quoting of Nietzsche or Kant? It is too abstract. I'm not sure what a sultry bosomy brunette appreciate your thoughts fly, because the women like to operate more earthly terms. Agree with her about the meeting in the park and come early and sit on a bench with a weighty volume of poetry "Silver Age"? But the leggy blonde think that all the best in the literature is limited to the last release of "Cosmo" or even worse - "Oops!"

You need an instrument to act instantly, transforming your thinking in some of the tangible results. I suspect that I have found such a tool for me. Processing.

Unikum, Processing, Digital Art, Design

Monday, August 22, 2011

Enter the Dragon

I almost never seen in my life any guy who would not admire heroes of Bruce Lee in childhood... Likewise, when I was 12-year-old boy, I've seen enough Chinese movies and wanted to master the mysterious techniques of kung-fu. My childhood is gone, video tape recorders with those movies are gone too, I have not mastered the kung-fu, but Bruce Lee still remained in my life.

In August 1973, shortly after the death of the Master, on the screens out in my opinion the best and most powerful picture with Bruce: "Enter the Dragon". Yes, exactly the same "Dragon's Island", after which we all could stand for hours in front of a mirror for checking: did I correctly "place my fingers"?

Unikum, Bruce Lee, Enter The Dragon, Kung-Fu, Nostalgia